In addition to our deep experience, our consulting practice is built on a foundation of decades of scholarly work by innovation and strategy pioneers, and our relationship with them. Surprisingly, the origins of this research is not that long ago:
Sid Parnes’ partnership with Alex Osborn provided the first explicit process for creative problem-solving with “brainstorming” in the 50’s.
Around the same time, Bill Gordon and George Prince were conceiving “synectics”, using insights from their inventing sessions for clients of Arthur D. Little.
In the 60’s, Ted Levitt created a new worldview with his article in HBR, Marketing Myopia, where he introduced the idea of viewing products as “jobs to be done”. (A concept since advanced by Clayton Christensen and many others.)
George T. Land is the seminal thinker behind Transformation Theory and the author of Grow or Die: The Unifying Principle of Transformation.
Teresa Amabile, Harvard Business School professor and co-author of The Progress Principle, collaborated with Stan Gryskiewicz, founder of the Association for Managers of Innovation and author of Positive Turbulence, on research that led to the KEYS® survey to assess the climate for creativity and innovation.