5 Star Reviews of The Book
For our book, co-author Doug Bate and I interviewed many senior executives about the future. We were surprised that few were thinking about it beyond the near-term. We found the territory between today’s business and the realization of their vision to be empty space. There was nothing there. No language, no practice, no tracking of trends or scouting for new opportunities. We saw this as an important opportunity to fill in that space between today’s business model and the articulated vision.
With Strategy Innovation you will create a portfolio of new business opportunities, remain flexible and orient your company for the future, change the rules of how customers receive value, and develop a business model that delivers that value better than anyone else.
Download chapter 5, The Moen "Product of the Year" Story
“A valuable contribution to understanding how innovation can transform a corporation to a new growth curve, as well as clearly articulating a process whereby this transformation can take place. The Power of Strategy Innovation describes innovation in practical terms that will allow firms to adopt and take advantage of this critical and important asset.”
“This wonderful and meaningful book helps readers understand the multidimensional world of innovation from a strategic viewpoint. Awesome!”
“From the rise of brainstorming at BBD&O and the use of metaphors as idea triggers by Synectics, Inc., Johnston and Bate tell an insider’s history of executives and their advisers striving to nourish creativity in management and its strategic planners.”
“This book is an exciting read of discovery. Johnston and Bate take applied creativity to the edge! Anything beyond incremental innovation requires a proven road map. Johnston and Bate have provided one in this book.”
“From the crossroads of business strategy and applied creativity, Johnston and Bate have opened up a fresh and valuable trail for anyone responsible for successfully driving an organization forward.”